VMware Certification is omnipresent all around the world, and the business and software solutions provided by them are being embraced by almost all the companies. They have helped in driving thousands of companies on the sure-shot path of success. Comprehensive knowledge of VMware Certification products is considered a very important qualification, and the professionals certified by them are highly valued in all organizations.

Share some VCP6-NV 2V0-642 exam questions and answers below.
An NSX administrator is validating the setup for a new NSX implementation and Inputs this command.
#ping ++netstack=vxlan -d -s1572
What is the purpose of the command?
A. It helps verify that the source virtual machine is configured with the proper MTU size foe NSX.
B. It helps verify that VXLAN segments are functional and the transport network supports the proper MTU size for NSX.
C. It helps verify that the NSX Controller is communicating with the destination VTEP
D. It helps verify that the NSX Logical Switch is routing packets to the destination host
Answer: A
Which two statements are true regarding L2 Bridges and Distributed Logical Routers? (Choose two)
A. Each L2 bridge instance can only map to a single VLAN
B. There can only be one instance of an L2 bridge on a DLR
C. There can be multiple instances of an L2 bridge on a DLR
D. Each L2 bridge instance can map to multiple VLANs.
Answer: AC
What is the purpose of a DHCP Relay Agent in an NSX Edge configuration?
A. Configures virtual machine interfaces to which DHCP messages are relayed
B. Configures Edge interfaces to which DHCP messages are relayed
C. Configures Edge interfaces from winch DHCP messages are relayed
D Configures virtual machine interfaces from which DHCP messages are relayed
Answer: A
To debug this anomaly, the user will need to obtain logs from which component?
A. The Distributed Logical Router
B. The appropriate NSX Controller(s)
C. The Edge Services Gateway
D. The appropriate ESXi Host(s)
Answer: A
When creating a new security policy how is the default weight determined?
A. The default weight is equal to the highest defined weight plus 1000.
B. The default weight is incremented by 100, starting at 0.
C. The default weight is equal to the highest defined weight minus 1000
D. The default weight is equal to the highest defined weight
Answer: A
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