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Share some EMCCIS E10-002 exam questions and answers below.
What is a function of the physical layer of a cloud infrastructure?
A. Storing data on storage devices
B. Creating resource pools
C. Invoking provisioning tasks
D. Dynamically allocating resources
Answer: A
What provides an on-demand self-service capability to consumers, allowing them to unilaterally provision cloud resources?
A. Web-based cloud portal
B. Specialized connectors
C. SOAP and REST web services
D. Service orchestration
Answer: A
Which cloud service model enables an organization to deploy a proprietary operating system and applications on a cloud provider’s resources?
A. Infrastructure as a Service
B. Platform as a Service
C. Software as a Service
D. Desktop as a Service
Answer: A
An organization plans to migrate an application that has loosely coupled components. Which migration strategy is suitable for such an application?
A. Hybrid
B. Forklift
C. Functional
D. Compatible
Answer: A
Which statement describes cloud service arbitrage?
A. A cloud broker combines a variable number of cloud services into one or more services.
B. A cloud broker enhances a given service by improving some specific capability.
C. A cloud broker combines a fixed number of cloud services into one or more services.
D. A cloud broker provides value-added services to cloud consumers.
Answer: A
In which chargeback model do consumers commit up-front on their required cloud resources for the committed period?
A. Fixed cost
B. Pay-as-you-go
C. Subscription by peak usage
D. User-based
Answer: A
What is an accurate statement about resource pooling in cloud computing?
A. It enables cloud resources to be assigned and reassigned according to consumer demand.
B. It enables cloud resources to be monitored and controlled by the consumer.
C. It enables consumers to maintain required performance levels and adapt to variation in workload.
D. It enables consumers to access cloud services from heterogeneous client platforms.
Answer: A
Which EMC product offers customers a choice of hypervisor, compute system, and network technology?
B. Vblock
Answer: A
Which layer of a cloud infrastructure includes tools that optimize resource utilization?
A. Virtual layer
B. Physical layer
C. Orchestration layer
D. Service layer
Answer: A
What is a function of the control layer of a cloud infrastructure?
A. Configuring resource pools
B. Pooling resources
C. Communicating across computer systems
D. Providing workflows for executing tasks
Answer: A
