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Share some HCNA-Security H12-711-ENU exam questions and answers below.
When you configure source NAT strategy, the configuration of destination area can be used to replace configuration flow outbound interface information .
Answer: A
Take the initiative to attack the most important feature is to listen information, to obtain confidential information, while the data owner or legitimate user, this kind of activities can not know.
Answer: B
In USG series firewall, use non-well-known port provides well-known application service, can adopt the following techniques:
A. port mapping
B. the MAC and IP address binding
C. packet filter
D. long connection
Answer: A
Terminal security system supports Bluetooth, SD card and other computer peripherals monitoring function, and support configuration peripheral equipment prohibited.
Answer: A
In IPsec VPN configuration if you use pre-shared key way to verify, you can choose whether to configure the secret key for the opposite end, but if you configured the secret key, the secret key must be the same on both sides.
Answer: B
Session-based state inspection firewall for the first packet and subsequent packet have different processing procedure,which of the following description is correct? ( )
A. packet reaches the firewall, looks for the sessions table, if there is no match, the firewall will do the first packet processing procedure
B. packet reaches the firewall, looks for the sessions table, and if they match the firewall will do the subsequent packet processing procedure
C. In the case of state inspection mechanism open, the firewall TCP packets, only the SYN packets can establish a session
D. In the case of state inspection mechanism open, the follow-up and he need for security policy checks
Answer: ABC
Firewall Gateway Anti-Virus Response includes alerting and blocking, the way in which the alarm device only generates a log, sent out without processing on HTTP protocol to transmit the document: blocking the way equipment is disconnected from the HTTP server and block files, push Web pages to the client and generates logs.
Answer: A
The following description of the contents of the each stage of the SSL handshake protocol, which is wrong?
A. the client sends client_Hello message, the server response Server_Hello news
B. the server sends Server_Hello and then wait for the client sends the message
C. after the client receives a series of messages sent by the server and digest, send Client Key Exchange message to the server.
D. the client and the server send ChangeCipherSpec and finished messages to each other
Answer: B
HRP session fast backup is the main equipment of corresponding state information table fast backup to the backup device, so that return packets in an alternate device able to find the corresponding state information table entries, so as to ensure the business of internal and external users don't interrupt.
Answer: A
How to view the matching number of security policy?
A. display firewall sesstion table
B. display security policy all
C. display security-policy count
D. count security policy hit
Answer: B
Which of the following components are terminal security system mainly composed of ? ( multiple choice)
A. Anti-virus server
B. SC control server
C. Access control equipment
D. SM management server
Answer: BCD
Which of the following items does the five elements of terminal security system not include?
A. Identity authentication
B. Business isolation
C. Safety certification
D. Business authorization
Answer: B
Which of the following does AAA contains ? ( )
A. Authentication
B. Authorization
C. Accounting
D. Audit
Answer: ABC
Which of the following are included in the operating system patch violations level of Terminal security system? (Multiple choice)
A. Low
B. Important
C. serious
D. General
Answer: CD
CA (Certificate Authority) certificate used for verifying the user's identity of virtual gateway when SSL communication connection is established, saved in the device side, issued by the CA institution.
Answer: A
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