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Share some HCS-Field-Server H20-651-ENU exam questions and answers below.
The default BMC management network port IP address of RH2288 V3 rack server is (The factory default is a static IP):
Answer: B
Which of the following tool can achieve the OS batch deployment?
A. ServiceCD
B. eSight
C. uMate
Answer: B
The Huawei server tool uMate only supports windows system, not support Linux system.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
About the description of the configuration of RH5885H V3 Server CPU, which is incorrect?
A. The server supports 1, 2 or 4 CPUs
B. Only one CPU must be installed in the CPU1 position
C. When configuring two CPUs, they must be installed in the CPU1 and CPU3 position
D. The CPU model configured on the same server must be the same
Answer: C
Setting the iBMC system send the alarm information to the third-party server in the form of Trap messages, it would be set in which menu?
A. Events and logs
B. Alarm settings
C. Network configuration
D. System settings
Answer: B
The LCD configured by RH2288 V3 server can only check the server information, cannot do any configuration.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
The following are the description of available space function of RAID buckle card expanding VD (Virtual Drives), the correct options are: (Multiple Choice)
A. LSISAS3008 card supports this function
B. LSISAS3108 card supports this function
C. Only the RAID group where the VD is in still have space left can be VD expansion
D. Backup data before the expansion
Answer: BCD
When the HMM Web interface of MM910 collecting the information, if choose to quickly collect, the collected information will include: (Multiple Choice)
A. Calculating the node's SEL
B. Switching the module's SEL
C. Fan, power supply in the state
D. MM910's SEL
Answer: CD
The following description of the RH5885H V3 server memory system, the incorrect is:
A. Each CPU corresponds to two memory boards
B. The same server RDIMM and LRDIMM memory can be mixed
C. Up to 8 rank per channel
D. Supports up to 96 DIMMs
Answer: B
The operating voltage of memory will influence its operating frequency.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
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