To get success in H31-411-ENU exam is not difficult. Professionals are paying great attention towards this H31-411-ENU HCNA-LTE certification exam dumps. With the help of this H31-411-ENU certification you can get a very distinguished and renowned place that may assist you in obtaining a high level in the working domain. With the help of this H31-411-ENU exam certification you can boost your expertise and also can become a professional IT expert.

Share some HCNA-LTE H31-411-ENU exam questions and answers below.
Which of the following situation will not lead to EMM status of the UE into EMM-DEIEGITEIED status?
A. logout
B. attachment rejected
C. RRC connection release
D. all bearing has been deleted
Answer: C
Which of the following description about GPS laying principles are correct? (Multiple choice)
A. when 130m
C. when L> 220m, can use 1/2 "feeder + amplifier manner
D. All above are correct
Answer: AC
Which of the following modulation method can LTE system support? (Multiple choice)
B. 16QAM
C. 64QAM
Answer: ABC
What are the advantages of OFDM? (Multiple choice)
A. high spectrum efficiency
B. against frequency selective weak
C. high peak-to-average
D. low peak-to-average
Answer: AB
Which of the following interface is based on S1-AP protocol?
B. S1-U
C. S5/S8
D. S6a
Answer: A
In LTE, the uplink pilot signal includes DMRS and Sounding RS.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
An EPS bearing QCI = 5, which of the following judgment is correct?
A. This is a default bearing
B. This is a proprietary bearing
C. This is a Non-GBR bearing
D. This is a GBR bearing
Answer: C
Huawei base station all version supports multiple RRU merger cell, also support cross the baseband board merger.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
In the case of using multi-user MIMO, how much can the rate for a single UE increase?
A. Double
B. Stay the same
C. Four times
D. Six times
Answer: B
Which of the following reasons will cause radio frequency unit accept channel RTWP/RSSI too low alarm? (Multiple choice)
A. abnormal feeder installation or poor head process
B. antenna feeder port connected feed cable exist extrusion, bend or feed cable damage
C. radio frequency unit master set or diversity reception channel fault
D. radio frequency unit master set or diversity antenna exist alone outside interference
E. data configuration fault
Answer: ABCE
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